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Poetry Anthology Comparison Grid

Poetry Anthology Comparison Grid

Useful when comparing two poems, including points for analysis of language, form, and structure: If- vs Prayer Before Birth Prayer Before Birth vs Half-caste Poem at Thirty-Nine vs Piano Search For My Tongue vs Poem at Thirty-Nine The Tyger vs Blessing Half-past Two vs Piano Sonnet 116 vs Remember Sonnet 116 vs La Belle Dame sans Merci If- vs Do not go gentle into that good night My Last Duchess vs The Tyger Poem at Thirty-Nine vs La Belle Dame sans Merci War Photographer vs The Tyger War Photographer vs La Belle Dame sans Merci Search for my tongue vs Half caste War photographer vs Hide and seek War photographer vs Half past two Half past two vs Hide and seek My Last Duchess vs La Belle Dame sans Merci
Macbeth : Context

Macbeth : Context

This resource explores significant historical events and social issues of the time related to characters, themes, and settings ; Supernatural elements Witchcraft Death The Divine Rights of Kings Courage The Great Chain of Being Murder Ambition Sleeplessness Hallucinations Hollinshed’s Chronicles Power Paternal Lineage Good vs Evil Loyalty to the king Religion King James I Macduff Lady Macbeth Banquo The Macduffs
To Kill a Mockingbird : Context

To Kill a Mockingbird : Context

This resource explores significant historical events and social issues of the time related to characters, themes, and settings ; The Ewells Atticus Scout Dill Jem Mrs Dubose Aunt Alexandra Calpurnia Jem Tom Robinson The Radleys The Cunninghams Racism and Racial Segregation Justice system Lynch Mobs The Civil rights movement The American Civil War The Great Depression and The Wall Street Crash of 1929 The education system Class systems Maycomb Significance of the Mockingbird